Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!

We had a fantastic weekend. We worked hard and played hard and for the most part, everyone was in a good mood. On Friday we did our grocery shopping and hung out around Statesboro then we played outside and got our indoor chores done and Brian mowed (how can a jungle grow in a few days?) Saturday we started out by cleaning out our garage. Ok, so our garage has been neglected for probably a year. We go in it, but only fast enough to get what we need and then out again. It's detached in our backyard and spiders were multiplying in it. I mean tons! Everything had eggs on it and it was just... you get it. Well, we emptied everything out and in the mean time a humongous spider was under something. I mean huge.... we decided it was a brown recluse. Our exterminator told us last year he thought some of the webs were from some, but we had cleaned it out then and the only ones we had seen were tiny little ones. It freaked us out. Brian was lifting boxes, each of the boys had golf clubs and Mollie was holding the can of bug spray. Thankfully we got it and don't have to ever wonder. The garage looks GREAT! I should take a picture of it.... well, afterwards, we went to the park and played football and basketball and I taught the kids four square. After being hot and stinky we all got showers and got ready for fireworks in town. They were GREAT! The show was quite long and not one single kid cried... YEAH!!! Every year we've had scared kids. They loved the fireworks and Jonah couldn't stop pretending HE WAS a firework. (cooky kid) Oh, and it only took 45 minutes to get out. Much better then the hours last year. It was a great day!

Well, today we enjoyed church and then we came home to get ready for our party. Benjamin and I have been planning what we were going to do for our family party today for a week. He chose what we were going to eat, do, decorate, everything. We had layer dip, layer trifle, had a bike parade and did fireworks at 5pm. (they couldn't wait). We did have some tired kids toward the end, but all in all this was a very enjoyable weekend.

I am so grateful to live in such a wonderful country, to be able to worship how I wish to and to be able to raise my children how I want to. I am very grateful for our Founding Fathers and for their faith in God to be able to build up this country, and even though our current situation is not what I wish it were, I am very thankful for our freedoms we have. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend too.

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