So, Christmas Presents this year are going to be picture based so I didn't want to share these, but these are also for our Christmas card... which I hope to actually get out (you don't even want to know how many 100's of pictures I have in boxes just waiting to be sent with the yearly I'll get to sending it out Christmas card) If you want a card, email me your address. :)
We had so much fun.... ok, I had so much fun... ok, maybe it was a little ok a lot stressful. My children were angels, well most of them. At least the naked one finally put Back on a dress after pulling her cute pig tales out of her hair. But, bribing with chocolate brownies worked.... and I think we only got a little on the clothes. YEAH. It's done. And I love them. I'll post the rest as the month ends. Did I tell you I did them.... yes, I'm too cheap to have someone else do them... so setting the timer and running is why I look so peppy Oh, and if anyone knows if I can get my glasses to not be sunglasses in a picture... let me know. Didn't think about that one.
We had so much fun.... ok, I had so much fun... ok, maybe it was a little ok a lot stressful. My children were angels, well most of them. At least the naked one finally put Back on a dress after pulling her cute pig tales out of her hair. But, bribing with chocolate brownies worked.... and I think we only got a little on the clothes. YEAH. It's done. And I love them. I'll post the rest as the month ends. Did I tell you I did them.... yes, I'm too cheap to have someone else do them... so setting the timer and running is why I look so peppy Oh, and if anyone knows if I can get my glasses to not be sunglasses in a picture... let me know. Didn't think about that one.
Your pictures look great. Ben and I have done the same thing with our family pictures. A couple years in a row, we went up into the canyon and took pictures with a tripod. They turned out pretty good. I'm too cheap too. I love your location.