Ok, so many have heard the story.... the week of my birthday 5 years ago, Jonah was a baby, Mollie 5, Benjamin 2, we were at the ER in the middle of the night because Mollie had an ear infection. We came home and in the afternoon I was in dire need of a nap. I laid down and was woken up to being sprayed with something.... that something..... PAM. AHHHHH. Come to find out my kids thought it was like silly string and had sprayed the WHOLE house. Not to mention we were trying to sell it. It was a disaster. I called Brian and told him he had to come home right then. I had lost it..... Flash forward 5 years......
I'm painting the sunroom and told Mollie if she kept an eye on the others she would get a music download. They had been watching a movie so it wasn't a big deal. Well, I heard them start to run around and scream and laugh. I asked Mollie to get something and she told me she had to wash her hands that they were messy.... Messy? With WHAT? Amie got into the Vaseline and was chasing them all around the house. They were covered and not only them, but my walls (ones I just painted), my floors, my doors, my curtains (I just made)...... I LOST it! I understand Amie... maybe Jonah... but the others. I called Brian, didn't ask him to come home, but he calmed me down. My kids are in there scrubbing everything..... and Amie, I hear right this minute that she's pouring water on everything. I thought I had angel children (and one little demon), but apparently I've been deceived. I guess I'm just not allowed to take my eyes off of them. Anyways, hope your day was better.
Oh my GOSH! I've totally been there, girl.
On my $400 bed spread!
I had a HUGE breakdown... I shut myself in my laundry room and just screamed and cried.
It was really sad to watch, I'm sure. LOL.
My poor kids were just standing outside the door and kept saying... "Mom... it's okay. Just wash it!"
I myself have a VERY difficult child (my last) but when the twins get in on the mess too... I just want to pull my hair out.
Sometimes I just don't understand kids. LOL
Good thing they are cute, and you can forgive them easily.