Mollie's Birthday Party was last weekend and I think she had a blast. We had a Western Hoedown Throwdown and she had 13 girls over at the house. We cleared out the furniture in the LR and the girls line danced the night away. We also had a table with old fashioned candy and bottled rootbeer. Oh, and you can't forget the watergun shoot out.
Poor Benjamin. He has had a fever for a week. We took him in on Tuesday and his Ped. couldn't get him in so we went to the urgent care. The doc took a strep test which tested negative, but still thought it was that, so Benj was put on antibiotics. Well, this morning Mia had a well visit and Benjamin was still not better, so I took him in to his ped. He ended up having a viral infection in his lungs. When we was 2-4 he was all the time getting croup. Well, it was similar to that. So, we are back on the nebulizer. Amazingly, after just a few treatments, he's already doing better.
My summer wellness challenge is going great. I'm down 12lbs and feeling so much better. Still can't fit in all my old clothes, but that's not my goal... I want to be much smaller. So this week's challenge was NO WHITE OR BROWN SUGAR NO WHITE FLOUR. It's been pretty easy because we did this 2 years ago for 6 months. I think the only thing I really miss is Peanut Butter. I won't be ready for my 5k this week. I will be ready though by July. There is a 5K I may do in Atlanta. That is my goal!!
Well, check out We put up our house for sale. If it sales, great, if not, well, that's fine. We just want to get it ready in case we find another house or finally take that leap for our own business. I've been pretty busy painting and hanging curtains. The girls room looks so pretty. I wish I had done this 2 years ago. It always goes that way.
Anywho.... I will post some more later.
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