Monday, August 29, 2011


We left home one month ago. I can't believe it's been a month! It's been hard to leave our sweet friends and family, but things are starting to feel comfortable here. We've been having so much fun exploring the area. There is so much to see and do I doubt we'll ever get to it all. Here a few pictures from our trip over and from some of things we've done.:
At a rest area in Mississippi you can take a tour of the Stennis Space Center. It's amazing! and Free!
There are many splash pads here we've played at.... especially with 107 degree weather. Ugh.
The Children's Museum

Is it a Solid or a Liquid

After learning about the basics of molecules and the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, the kids were dying to make goo and slime. I did have to relax a little over the mess, but the kids had a blast and actually played with the mixtures for over an hour.
*I am using The Usborne Science Encyclopedia as our chemistry reference. The quick links are amazing! See and example here.

Atom Pancakes

I read somwhere a while ago that you can make an atom model using sugar cookies and candies to represent the electrons, neutrons, and protons.... why not do it using pancakes... so that's what we did. The kids woke up on the first day of school to pancakes and fruit. I taught what an atom was and what it consisted of and they were able to decorate their "atoms" and enjoy. We'll probably do it again when we learn more about bonding.

We're Ready for SCHOOL!!!

This move to Texas is an ideal time for change... for the better. I have decided that now is the time for a refocus on our homeschool adventures. I've evaluated each child to determine where they may need a little more help and I've committed myself to work on those areas. We started school last week and so far, things are going pretty good. We're having to get rid of a few lazy habits, but I think we're getting there. This is the curriculum we're using this year:
Mollie: Learning Language Arts Through Literature (tan book), Easy Grammar is to supplement, Spelling Workout, Singapore Math, Texas and US History, Chemistry and Art
Benjamin: Learning Language Arts Through Literature (orange book), Easy Grammar, Spelling Workout B and C, Singapore Math, Texas and US History, Chemistry and Art.
Jonah: Explode the Code 1, 2,3 (he's flying through it already), Bob Books and Usborne beginners, Spelling Workout A, Singapore Math, Texas and US History, Chemistry and Art
Amie: She insists on school so she's in Explode the Code Primer, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, Family Math, Texas and US History, Chemistry and Art.